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Wellness Goals 2024

Last year was tough!

This year is an excellent opportunity to prioritize and optimize to get 2024 off to a great start.

This year might call for something a little different than the usual resolutions of joining a gym or starting a new routine.

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Overland Wellness Holistic Medicine

Overland Wellness offers a Holistic Approach

Before starting a new exercise or dietary strategy it is a great idea to consult your doctor about your health and whether the new program would be a good fit for you. If you don’t currently have a doctor or would like the help of a wellness expert, feel free to schedule an appointment with me, Dr. Heather Overland. I can give you personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations that will get you started on your optimal wellness plan and also provide you with regular reminders, a space for accountability and assistance with plan modifications to help you succeed in meeting your wellness goals.

Is this the year to optimize your wellness?

Time for a Staycation

It is your chance to dust off your wellness goals, get moving and reconnect to how you want your year to be.


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Winter has Arrived!



As wintry weather continues to make an appearance, it is important to address how your body is doing.
Are you having a hard time staying warm or are you feeling roasted in the indoor heat?
Looking at the lingering snow banks and glimmering ice, did you take a fall last year?
How is your balance and strength this year compared to last?
Skiers and snowboarders: are you physically ready for the opening of our local ski resorts or are you already feeling sore? 
Now is a great time to address your health concerns, improve your energy, and get your body feeling revitalized and ready for this winter season!


Are you ready to actively participate in outdoor activities or are you already feeling like you need to bundle up by a fire and hide out for a few months? 


Overland Wellness open House!

Overland Wellness Front Door

660 W Capstone Court, Suite B

Hayden, ID 83835

Overland Wellness is natural medicine for an active lifestyle. Come see the Overland Wellness medical practice, IV therapy suite and acupuncture treatment rooms. Experience a truly patient-centered boutique medical practice. Learn about nature-centered health retreats and guided backcountry excursions with built-in holistic aftercare.  Ribbon cutting at 5pm followed by reception with appetizers and beverages. 

Thursday October 20th





Fall Seasonal Change

Our late summer season has been obscured by wildfire haze, but as the air clears some fall colors and signs of the shifting season are revealed. 

With kids back in school, summer sun and lake life exchanging for cool winds and crisp leaves, now is a time for change.

Is it time to check back in with yourself and start to address the lingering problems and low energy that you’ve been trying to ignore?

Imagine going into the winter bright-eyed, more active than ever and ready for snow!


Summer temperatures, blooming Flowers, now if only we could go out and enjoy it!

Many of the patients who have come to my office lately have been suffering from seasonal allergies. Symptoms vary from mild congestion and colorful boogers to nearly uncontrollable sneezing that disrupts meetings topped off with eye swelling and irritation. Early wildflower blooms are now being met by different tree pollens and grasses that can be pretty severe allergen culprits.

While we’re struggling with the pollen brought by our beautiful blooming greenery, we’re also starting to encounter the haze in the air from distant and sporadic local wildfires. Of course, we’d all much rather deal with wildflowers than wildfires, but spring and summer in the inland Northwest often brings us a bit of both.

With respiratory irritants such as pollen and particulate matter from fires, it is particularly important to work on reducing other irritants and protect your respiratory system. If you or a family member smoke, now is an excellent time to quit. Evaluate cleaning materials, household and personal fragrances, many of which contain harsh chemicals that are respiratory irritants. Keep your living and workspaces well-ventilated. Consider using an air filter fan (HEPA filter) to reduce the particulate and allergen content of your enclosed spaces.

While you’re working on reducing irritants found in your home and work, it is also important to work on your internal environment. Having a balanced, varied diet with adequate nutrients is an important foundation to help your body better weather external irritants such as pollution, smoke and pollen. It is generally helpful to increase the number of colorful vegetables in your diet. As it is Pride month, June is an especially perfect time to include a rainbow of vegetables on your plate. These colorful veggies contain antioxidants and other compounds that may promote stabilization of the cells that tend to respond to allergens and result in the unpleasant sniffling symptoms. This is also definitely the time to pay attention to staying adequately hydrated. A key part of maintaining hydration for most people is choosing water or herbal tea rather than processed sugary beverages and alcohol.

If your symptoms are disrupting your daily life or you’d like to talk more about things you can incorporate to improve your health over this season, please call my office. I’d be happy to set up a time for a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your concerns.  The Overland Wellness approach is to use the most effective, least harmful, naturally rooted treatments that get you feeling better and able to go outside and enjoy your active life! Specifically, my in-office treatments for allergies and respiratory health tend to include acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrients and targeted dietary/ lifestyle changes.

Contact Dr. Overland


Welcome to North Idaho!




You’ve likely spent months planning where to go, packing up your entire life, and then hours and miles physically moving to your new house. Once you’re actually here there can be a gap of “what’s next” after the moving truck departs and you’re trying to develop your roots and feel at home.  

Many people have past experience setting out for large hub cities to complete academic programs, follow career opportunities, or just experience the bustle of metropolitan life. When moving to the Inland Northwest, and more specifically the unique cities and rural communities found in North Idaho, many people are coming home.

Couples who started their career in larger cities move back home to be closer to grandparents when raising their children. Some have taken the big tech transition to remote work to reside in an actual remote location.  Others are entrepreneurs, bringing in their businesses from other states specifically to cultivate their own sense of home in this beautiful region.

The cross-over between what you enjoyed on visits here and what will become part of your weekly routine can be a refreshing improvement on old habits. Rather than starting your morning with hours of bumper-to-bumper traffic, that time can be dedicated to a morning walk in the forest or next to the lake. Finding your favorite big-city grocery staples in our friendly natural and organic- focused food stores such as Natural Grocers or Pilgrim’s Market in Coeur d’Alene or the Flour Mill in Hayden is complemented by home-grown produce and delicious local foods.

You’ve settled the basics of your new life here and have been able to get some of your life unpacked. For many people, however, literal and figurative boxes remain packed up and put aside during the unsettled rush of moving. Has your previously established self-care routine, exercise schedule and daily vitamin/ supplement plan gotten boxed up? Like Swedish furniture, moving is often a time when people pack those up and struggle to get them assembled once again.

It is important to remember the basics you need for your health and wellbeing, and include those in your priorities when settling in. Many people move with the dream of an idealized lifestyle that they will lead when in their new place. Identify what that life will include, such as connection to your community, work-life balance and time spent enjoying nature. Also visualize how you will physically feel when leading that lifestyle. Most of us wouldn’t envision feeling just as tired, burnt out or overwhelmed when living in North Idaho as when living in Orange County! Part of enjoying the environment that you want to live in is to take the opportunity presented by this change in setting to set the habits that will nourish and cultivate your healthy lifestyle.

 What has worked for you in the past? What hasn’t succeeded? A home gym, fitness membership, or actionable plan to work out in nature or parks as well as a set time to do so could help you maintain and develop your physical fitness. If you have a history of joining gyms that you never use, consider trying a different approach. Completing a new local hike each week with your family could be an excellent place to start!

If your new house includes grand plans for DIY building, gardening and farming, you have likely done a lot of planning and mental preparation. How has your preparation for such physical activity gone? The proper cross-training and recovery strategies are very important to reduce the pain and injury caused by “weekend warrior” style sudden overuse.

Even without “homesteading” your new lifestyle could include regular seasonal alternations between golf or mountain biking and skiing or snowboarding. This is awesome! You moved here and should be able to fully enjoy the natural environment and plentiful outdoor recreation. However, it can be a lot compared to a schedule of infrequent golf weekends and ski vacations. The appropriate supportive care such as athletic training, physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture and massage therapy can help your body sustain such physical activities with strength and resilience.  

Develop your healthcare and wellness team to help you optimize this move and thrive (not just survive!) in North Idaho. Many of you are leaving established care teams, and some of that care can continue via telemedicine. Connecting to local healthcare providers is important for in-person ongoing care. It is best to establish care before an illness arises, rather than scrambling for an appointment during an urgent situation. Continuity of healthcare ensures you have a comprehensive wellness plan that can address your ongoing health concerns and adapt to new and changing needs.

In Idaho, a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor can be your primary care physician or act in conjunction with your primary care practitioner as a specialized expert in holistic health and wellness optimization.  If you’ve seen a ND or NMD in the past, you can continue to enjoy the personalized holistic medicine that you have previously experienced as you continue on your wellness journey. If you’ve been interested in functional and integrative healthcare and prefer a more natural approach to your health, moving to North Idaho is the perfect time to get started. Schedule your appointment with a Naturopathic Medical Doctor!


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Spring is time to reFRESH 

Your Diet! 

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Food as Medicine

Natural greenery is peeking through, and plants are perking up with recent rains. As we witness the local environment wake up from winter slumbers, springtime change is an excellent opportunity to re-evaluate your dietary practices.

As the season progresses, we can enjoy the increasing bounty of fresh and locally grown foods. This is a great season to reorganize the pantry and incorporate a balanced mix of shelf-stable staples with in-season fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Before jumping into a new dietary plan or overhauling your pantry, it can be useful to honestly evaluate your current symptoms and habits through a diet diary. This can be an opportunity to log your foods, mealtimes, beverages and any symptoms (such as afternoon fatigue or indigestion) that may occur periodically.

A dietary diary can provide a framework to build on and be eye opening regarding potential associations between foods and symptoms as well as actual food and beverage intake (many people are surprised by their actual water and vegetable intake, as compared to what they thought they were getting). 

For added insight, evaluation of potential micronutrient deficiencies and macronutrient imbalances as well as specific dietary practices that may be indicated to treat or prevent certain health conditions, a diet diary evaluation can be part of an appointment at Overland Wellness. 

Schedule a Phone Consultation with Dr. Overland to discuss your specific concerns, learn more about the treatment approach at Overland Wellness and get started on the next stage of your wellness journey!




Overland Wellness is Relocating to Hayden, Idaho

Schedule Today

North IDaho, Coeur d’Alene, Spokane

To better serve our greater Spokane and North Idaho patients, Overland Wellness is relocating to centrally connected Hayden, Idaho. Our new practice space has more treatment rooms, abundant free parking and the same high standards of exceptional quality and comfort that is expected from care at Overland Wellness. 

By practicing out of a freestanding building rather than a large downtown high-rise, Overland Wellness is now even more quiet and private than before!

Our location is easy to find and directly accessible just off of Highway 95 when coming from Sandpoint, Spokane and Coeur d’Alene.


For patients who prefer not to commute, Dr. Overland is still just a secure message, phone call, or video appointment away. 

Dr. Overland will continue to offer priority scheduling for telemedicine appointments to accommodate patients in remote locations.