Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a natural and minimally invasive way to help you look and feel like your best self. At Overland Wellness, we use microneedling, nanoneedling, phototherapy (light treatments), acupuncture and tui na techniques. Facial rejuvenation enhances skin health and appearance. Brighter and clear skin is accompanied by reduced fine lines and dark circles. Facial rejuvenation is also known as nonsurgical aesthetics or aesthetic acupuncture, as it focuses on the aesthetic appearance of your face. Enjoy a naturally youthful glow with enhanced wellbeing, healthy circulation and collagen formation.
Natural Anti-Aging Treatments
- Full-body Acupuncture
- Facial Microneedling and Nanoneedling
- Gentle Treatments
- Focus on Elasticity & Integrity
- Rejuvenation
- Focus on Collagen Formation
- Encourage Repair & Renewal
Tui Na Facial Massage & Cupping
- Reduce Tension
- Enhance Circulation
- Promote Relaxation
- Tissue Renewal and Regeneration
- Luxury Experience
Holistic Medicine
- LED Phototherapy
- Targeted Nutrient Therapy
- Individualized Medicine
- IV Therapy
- Preventive Medicine
- Restore Balance
Key signs of aging are visible right on your face:
- Reduced Collagen
- Fine Lines
- Irregular Skin Texture
- Wrinkles
- Impaired Circulation
- Crow’s Feet
- Changes in Pigmentation
Many of us hold stress and tension in our facial expressions:
- Furrowed Brow
- Headaches
- Jaw Clenching
- Tooth Grinding
- Tense Expression
Health imbalances can be reflected in our skin:
- Dry Skin
- Diminished Elasticity
- Poor Healing
- Dull Skin
- Dark Circles
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Eczema
Hayden, Idaho Acupuncture
Embrace Your Face
Look and feel like your most vibrant self. Let your inner beauty shine through.
Enjoying a healthy glow starts from within. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture techniques are best done in conjunction with whole-body acupuncture treatments and naturopathic medical evaluation. Treatments like IV Therapy can provide the targeted nutrition to help you look and feel your best.